HI! I am Aslam

MERN Stack Developer


Who Am I ?

About Me

Welcome to my personal website! I am Muhammad Aslam K A, a driven and self-taught MERN Stack Developer.

Having grown up in the beautiful district of Wayanad, Kerala, I developed a profound appreciation for the splendor of nature and the richness of diverse cultures. This appreciation continually inspires my journey as a MERN stack developer. I am dedicated to harnessing the power of technology to create meaningful and positive change.

My expertise lies in full-stack web development, particularly in creating responsive and dynamic user interfaces. Proficient in JavaScript, React, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB, I have developed and deployed various projects. These include sophisticated web applications, RESTful APIs, and efficient database management systems. My work showcases skills in real-time data processing, user authentication, and state management. You can view my portfolio of projects on my GitHub repository. I am deeply passionate about using my skills to make a significant, positive impact in the technology world.

Thank you for visiting my personal website. Your interest and connection are highly valued. Let's explore the endless possibilities that technology offers in shaping a better future together.

My Skills


My personal journey
What I Did ?


Location Unknown


Contributed to the backend development of ParkQwik, an innovative app designed to streamline parking by providing real-time information on available parking spots, making urban parking hassle-free and efficient

Location Unknown

Stay Scout

Stayscout is an innovative hotel room booking website, leveraging the MERN stack for a streamlined user experience. The platform offers an intuitive search and booking system, enabling users to effortlessly find and reserve hotels tailored to their preferences. Integrating smart filtering and real-time data, Stayscout ensures a convenient and personalized hotel booking journey.

Location Unknown


Book@ is a cutting-edge taxi booking application built with the MERN stack and TypeScript, offering a quick and reliable way to book rides. This app features a user-friendly interface for effortless ride scheduling, real-time tracking, and seamless payment options. Designed to enhance urban mobility, Book@ connects users with nearby drivers for convenient and safe transportation services.

Location Unknown


Mark-Barber is an intuitive salon booking app, developed using the MERN stack and TypeScript, designed to connect users with nearby salons effortlessly. The app features a user-friendly interface that allows customers to discover, book, and manage appointments with local salons. With real-time availability, detailed salon profiles, and easy navigation, Mark-Barber simplifies the process of finding and booking salon services tailored to your convenience and preference

What I Do ?

Web Design

I strive for two things in design simplicity and clarity. Great design is born of those two things.

Web Development

Specializing in MERN stack, I provide comprehensive support and expertise in developing web applications


I debug, clarify, and simplify the code, ensuring efficient problem-solving.


I can help you learn more about JavaScript ,DSA, MERN Stack.

Want to work with me?

Always feel Free to Contact & Hire me

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